What are the taekwondo tenets?
Taekwondo training encourages students to be practise important taekwondo tenets. These are learnt in the Dojang in the hope that through...
Practising Martial Arts Over 40
As someone who has trained since I was a child, through my teenage years and who is now embracing the 40 milestone I have first hand...
Explanation of Ki (energy) in Martial Art Training
Through modern science we learn that every element of this universe we inhabit is in motion, from the smallest subatomic particle to the...
5 Top Tips for Adult Martial Art Beginners.
Whether you begin at 20 years old or 70 years old, learning martial arts can be one of the best decisions of your life. If you are lucky...
Why is it important to show respect on social media?
Social media, the platform that gives us all a voice and an opinion that most of us give whether it's wanted or not! Keyboard warriors...
Meditation & Martial Arts
Why meditate? It is not that important to your martial art training is it? A lot of people would rather be getting a sweat on and kicking...
What is the best age to start martial art training?
What is the best age to start martial arts training? Is it when you are 4 or 5 and then you have all of those years to practise your...
Why Quitting Martial Arts is the Easy Option.
So today an adult student,who has trained with me for over a year, told me they were quitting. When I was younger my first reaction was...
5 ways practising Martial Arts can completely change your life.
Here are 5 ways in which practising a martial art with an excellent instructor can completely change your life. 1: FIND YOUR INNER...
One Step Sparring - Why it's important and tips to improve.
The definition of one step sparring is a counterattack against an oncoming attack. In most cases, especially at beginner level, this is a...